Research at Clearmatics

In 2015, Clearmatics embarked on a mission to help redesign the infrastructure of financial markets using distributed protocol technology and modern cryptographic techniques. These foundational technologies enable the creation of new peer-to-peer market structures that are more resilient, automated and beneficial to society than the highly-centralised financial market infrastructure of today. The Research group at Clearmatics is dedicated to developing solutions to the hard problems needed to advance this mission. We are researchers and engineers collaborating with teams inside and outside the company to translate theoretical results into running software implementations. Our work spans cryptography, game-theory, networking, identity systems and secure software implementation research, with a focus on applications in financial markets.


We sponsor, attend and talk at various events and conferences. Meeting like-minded people in the community to share the latest research is an important part of what we do. Find which events we have attended and where we will be heading to next.



Scientific research is a social activity that relies on dissemination of knowledge upon which new results are established. We frequently share research and ideas through published reports, papers and blog posts.


Clearmatics Research open source projects

We like to implement some of the results of our research. When we do, the code is open sourced on Github under permissive licenses. Check it out and contribute!


Check out the Zeth protocol implementation, propose ZPIPs and read the protocol specifications.
Zeth on Github


Check out the ongoing C++ Zecale protocol implementation and engage with us on Github.
Zecale on Github

And others...

Keep an eye on our Github repositories to stay up to date with the development of our open source projects.
Clearmatics Research on Github

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